Guest Lectures for SOILS 505: Soil Chemistry Fall 2017
Teaching Assistant (Lead TA) for Soils 252 Lab: Introduction to
Soils Laboratory Fall 2019
Teaching Assistant (Lead TA) for Soils 500 Lab: Introduction to Soils Laboratory (Graduate Level)
(Designed syllabus, lab sheets, presentations, quiz, arranged field trips, delivered lectures,demonstrated and facilitated lab exercises, guided and mentored other teaching assistants) Fall 2019
Guest Lectures for SOILS 252: Introduction to Soils Fall 2019
Mentored 2 Masters students by establishing grant proposals and guiding through the field work, data analysis and thesis writing.
Certification in developing online courses by NMSU Online Course Improvement Program (20 hours)
Guest Lecture on Metal Contaminations and Acid Mine Drainage in HORT 302V: Forestry and Society Fall 2019
Teaching Assistant (Lead TA) for Soils 252 Lab: Introduction to Spring 2020
Soils Laboratory
(Designed syllabus, lab sheets, presentations, quiz, arranged field trips, delivered lectures, demonstrated
and facilitated lab exercises, guided and mentored two other teaching assistants)